Details Magazine published a how-to guide regarding the "urban sophisticate look" involving fall "suiting." I was confused just writing that sentence. Then I took a look at the photos, and realized this was a fantastic opportunity--not for me to learn how to pick out a fall suit, because most of these cost more than my car--but for a bit of creative writing. You see, Details doesn't just instruct you what to buy. It shows you men wearing the clothing and how handsome they are, and then you're supposed to follow suit . (See what I did there?) But why would you want to look like these guys (aside from the devastating good looks) when they seem so unhappy? Here's my idea of what's going on behind the photos, you know, aside from the clothing. Click on the link and follow along: Photo One: So these guys just dumped a dead body in the ri...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About