Today I'm thrilled to see so many people with red Facebook pictures demonstrating their belief in marriage equality. Seeing all that red would normally make me start to believe that this is an indication of a changing tide. In all actuality though, it might just mean that everyone I know is pretty awesome, but...let's face it, there are a lot of people I don't know. Facebook sometimes creates the illusion of a trend or a paradigm shift that isn't really happening simply because it causes an entire group of people to believe that everybody they know reflects the thoughts and opinions of the overall public. Okay, now I'm going to use a stupid example to prove this: Everybody on my Facebook Newsfeed talks about Smash. As far as I can tell, most of the people I'm friends with watch it, and yet, it's season premiere got incredibly low ratings and it's continued to do poorly this entire season. Normally, this would surprise me, but if I break the nu...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About