This has been my experience with ambition When you decide you want to do something There are people all around you saying— Do whatever you have to do To get that thing you want If you don’t do whatever it takes Somebody else will And they’ll get the thing you want So you start out to get what you want And you think, Okay, so I just need to work hard And eventually, I’ll get the thing But what you don’t count on Is that sometimes it isn’t about Who works hard and who doesn’t Even though most people work hard And a lot of people seem to be working harder Than you could ever work What you don’t count on Is that sometimes the obstacle in front of you Isn’t the work you’re going to have to do But something else Something moral or political A choice you have to make That goes against what you believe in Or what you think is the right thing to do But there’s a sign in front of that choice saying— If you don’t do this You st...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About