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Showing posts from June, 2016

On Failing

Today I received a rejection letter (well, a rejection e-mail) letting me know that a play I’d written that I really, really loved was not going to be part of a festival that I really, really like and admire. Now, this isn’t unusual. When I first started writing, a friend of mine said “What’s the matter?  You weren’t getting rejected enough as an actor?” I didn’t really get what she meant at the time, but now I’m very aware.  Writing is to people with low self-esteem what a heat lamp is to an ice cube.  You know eventually it’ll destroy you, it’s just a question of how long it’ll take and whether or not you’ll actually enjoy being a puddle. So now I get rejected for something every day.  That’s not an exaggeration either.  It really is an every day occurence.  Sometimes it’s twice daily.  Sometimes even three times, and those are the days I put on opera, get in the tub, and try to summon the spirit of Glenn Close in “Fatal Attraction” so she ...