Here is a list of things, not ranked, that I never want to see in a play again. (Confession: I have definitely written, directed, acted in, and produced plays that included some or all of the following.) Sometimes things will be in caps, sometimes not, sometimes all caps, but probably not. I might update this from time-to-time, but I doubt it. I'm not saying plays with these elements in them are bad or have always been bad, I'm just saying, I think we could take a break from them for awhile. THE LIST - Narrators - Exposition in an opening scene - Rich white people at a lake house - Liberal plays written for liberal audiences - Plays about theater - Plays where characters seemingly have no jobs but aren't stressed about it and don't seem to have any financial troubles - Plays with short choppy scenes indicating that the playwright would really like to just jump ahead to when they can adapt the script into a screenplay -...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About