Originally performed at Stranger Stories at Acoustic Java in Providence, RI on Thursday, January 29th. Shortly after leaving college, I decided it was time to become famous. I went about it the way everybody did between the year 2000 and 2010-- I started a blog where I did the same thing a bunch of times then waited for Oprah to call. My blog was called “100 Boys, 100 Dates” or “100 Dates, 100 Boys.” I don’t remember exactly how it was worded, but it involved me spending a year going on a bunch of dates with various men and then writing about it. It was sort of like Sex and the City if Sex and the City was written by a skinny gay man who cringes at the thought of romance, true love, or connecting with another human being. As you can imagine, the blog was a rousing success. Dozens upon two dozen people read it religiously, and for a year, everyone who dated me either begged me not to put them in the blog or begged me to put them in th...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About