So everybody's done some position shifting, in my opinion. The good went bad, the bad went great, and now the Garfunkel needs to go home. American Idol Recap, Worst to Best:
Scott MacIntyre - The search is, in fact, over. Scott is the worst contestant on the show. I actually would have preferred that Megan hung around another week after hearing this. Do the Osmonds need another kid?
Danny Gokey - It sounded...old. It sounded like, say it with me now, Michael MacDonald. It sounded like something you'd hear in an elevator going up to the third floor of a cheap hotel. I agree with Simon, it was lazy, but more than just the middle part. "Stand By Me" is a simple and sweet song, and he tried to push it into something it's not. Didn't enjoy.
Adam Lambert - Am I the only one who thinks he sounded like the creepy old guy from Family Guy? 'C'mere little boy, I won't bite--I just want to sing Tears for Fears for you...' He's probably going to end up becoming my new Archuleta. I think he's a great singer, but I have no idea how you would sell him. He's gay, so there go the teenyboppers. He seems to be pushing towards rock, but let's be real, do you think Daughtry is going anywhere near this guy? I think I'm going to have to start backing away slowly before he rips into "Walk This Way" while glass shatters all over the world.
Lil Rounds - When you do Tina, you've got a lonnng road ahead of you as far as I'm concerned. She got the strut in the beginning, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The problem is, that song goes way too fast to have any fun with it. That being said, she made sure she put her stamp on it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was true to the song, but distinct, which is what everybody on that show should be shooting for. I liked it, and that's a miracle. Now if any of you want to hear my version of "What You Get is What You See," let me know.
Kris Allen - Once again, I disagree with Kara. I would have liked the song to move a little bit faster, but I thought it was a great testament to what he can do with a preexisting piece of music. It reminded me of that episode of Family Matters where Waldo takes ketchup and makes it into tomato sauce (Anybody? Anybody?). Not to mention, for the first time, I actually heard what the lyrics were--and they're kind of creepy. He still has my voice for most marketable on the entire show.
Anoop Desai - One thing that never gets said about Anoop is that even when he fails on song choice, he never fails on the vocals. That rendition was absolutely beautiful. Yes, it was a safe choice, but after last week, that was a good idea. He's got to stick to ballads, unless he can find an uptempo that doesn't make him look like he's auditioning for "Harold and Kumar: The Musical." Guess what though? Still my favorite.
Matt Giraud - He made Stevie sound like Stevie if Stevie gave birth to Justin Timberlake. It was fantastic. Sidenote: Don't you love how girls seem to love him more than Kris just because Kris admitted to having a girlfriend? Ladies, let me give you a little FYI, this boy has a girlfriend, he's just not dumb enough to announce it. That being said, I think he's stronger on the piano, so let him stay there. That goes for Scott too, but for different reasons.
Allison Iraheta - I have to hand it to Allison this week--I really loved it. I think her voice really gave the song this raw edge that made it that much more heartbreaking. It sounded very Pink, which for this chick, is a good thing. I like that she held back at certain points; she let the song do the work for her, and that was very smart. Best performance of the night.
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