For those of you who don't watch it, consider yourselves lucky.
Tough Love is a VH1 show--more like Charm School, than Rock of Love--but nonetheless, all the more disgusting due to the fact that it tries to pass itself off as a show seeking to do good.
The tool who runs this show is named Steve. He tells women that he can tell them what straight men really want, and get them married. As if being married is the ultimate goal of any intelligent woman.
SIDENOTE: I was listening to the John Tesh radio show--usually a guilty pleasure--when he read a statistic that couples who don't live together before marriage have longer marriages than couples who do live together. He then had the gaul to say "It's not my opinion, just a statistic." Um, do you think that might be because the couples that DON'T live together before marriage are more religious, and therefore are more likely to stay in a bad marriage rather than commit the "sin" of divorce? Why would you NOT live together before marriage? That's like buying a car before you test drive it.
Steve basically paints men to be horndogs who are looking for a wife, but will still gladly screw a woman and then not call her again. He doesn't seem to think that a man who acts like this has any problem, but rather, puts all the blame on the woman.
He frowns on any sexuality from a woman at all. As soon as a girl on the show flirts or says something provocative, he puts her in the hot seat and takes her to task.
Women who want men that are well-off are also frowned upon. I don't think it's a bad thing to discourage gold-digging, but I do think it's fair to say that you want someone who can financially take care of themselves.
My favorite contestant is Jodi, a 39-year-old woman who has become the Spinster of the cast in Steve's eyes. He fixed her up with an ugly guy with emotional baggage and then told her she should make it work with him even after he was incredibly rude to her just because she's "still single."
He also clearly fixes up the ladies according to their looks. He gave the dull, fake bimbo the jock, and is then surprised when the two hit it off. Well, duh. Life is still very much like high school after all. She's boring, he's boring--of course it's going to work.
This is where I suggest that VH1 cancels this ridiculous show and gives me my own--Brock of Love. Let a gay guy fix you up, ladies, and I promise you will be much happier than any of the girls on this trainwreck.
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