My Mom pulled out my yearbook from senior year, and I thought it might be fun to post some of the comments in it, because I really am that much of a sap. Keep in mind; we were all MUCH younger and our vocabularies were limited. I'm using "we" because I'm sure I wasn't exactly writing poetry in anyone's yearbook. How nice when things were said from the heart without trying to sound clever. Sidenote: I corrected some of the spelling, and left out some personal stuff, but I haven't changed anything else. Also, Trevor's nickname for me was Kyle; he did, in fact, know who I was. As you'll see, the girls loved using <3's.>
From Mandy: My Dearest Kevin, you have been an incredible part of my life. I don't know what I'm doing with you by my side every day next year. You are my best friend, and I love you so very much. I trust you and believe in you, and I know you will succeed in whatever you decide to do in life. I love you. Love Always, Mandy.
From Ernie (Re: What Mandy Wrote): Ditto --Ernie
From Trevor: Kyle, I'm sorry that high school never quite turned out the way you had intended. "Saved by the Bell" isn't real and we already had our Heather Locklear (Mandy). You are the most outspoken person I've ever met. Keep in touch, Kev. --Trevor.
From Lindsey Hays: Kevin! Here we go! It's time, time to keep livin', time to take something from this world...dear world take your medicine...who was always my big romance...I...will always love you...all is possible with love! (Well, I had to be a little corny.) I'm going to miss you so much! From USAD to helping me be brave enough to start in drama this year you've always been there for me. Have a great time at RIC next year. Beware of Papa Hays! <3>
From Shawn: Brocco, You're the Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Not-So-Ugly all rolled into one. It's been fun and I'm sure I'll see you next year at RIC and we'll turn that place inside out. --Shawn
From Gail: Kevin, Wow where to begin...It's been a blast! I'm gonna miss seeing you everyday. Never forget the memories...hospitals, ice cream, tents, and of course...come hither! LOL I love you! Good luck! <3>
From Michelle: Kevy! You're so dreamy! I'm glad at least one of us got some action on prom night. You were always my favorite Jewish friend. Maybe I will name a gefilte fish after you sometime. Come visit me at West Point! <3>
From Mike Previte: Kevin, You are a truly unique human being. You are a beacon of...Oh, I'm tired. Forget it. Peace, Mike P.
From Allison: Kevin, We're graduating! The time flew by! I am glad that we became friends. You are such a funny guy! And don't feel bad about misleading me on the whole theater production thing. I actually ended up liking it. Good luck next year! I'll miss you! <3>
From Lianne: Kevin, 4 years went by so fast! It's been great. You've been a great friend, and I hope we keep in touch. <3>
From Becca: Kevin, My love...Thank you for always being there for me. See you always having a smile, a song, a story--has always made my day! Thanks for entertaining me and thank you for believing in me when no one else did...not just anyone could be Baba! Thanks for making me feel special. You will always be my Kevie! I love you, Becca. PS. Good luck in the future. I'll be reading the credits forever looking for your name! :o)
From Erica: Hey Kevin, It's been a great year. You're energetic personality has added much-needed life for my years at LaSalle. I hope we keep in touch in the upcoming years. Come visit me in Maine. Luv ya always, Erica Boffi.
From Laura: Hey Baby Cakes! You are one of my favorite people in the whole wide world! I'm gonna miss you so much! I love you always sweetie, Laura.
From Jon: Kevin, I don't know what to really say. I don't think it's possible to sum up everything n one short message in a yearbook. After all, you wrote me a full page letter and a musical. How can I compete? I think I'll just say that you are one truly interesting unique person. You are unlike anyone I've ever met. And that has made a huge difference in me. More than you think. So thank you. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you a lot. --Jonathan Cottle
From Amy: Kevin, my sweetheart! Kevin, you are adorable and brilliant and hysterical all rolled into one. I adore you. You have always been there when I needed you for advice or a laugh. You've given me so many memories. Thank you for everything! Good luck next year--Keep in touch. Love, Amy.
From Lindsey V: Kevin, the love of my life! What would I do if I didn't have you! You are my ultimate bestest buddy and I'll always love you to pieces. I mean, who else can I dance w/, drool over boys w/, and discuss the folly of Days of Our Lives? Next year, you're coming to Chicago baby! We're gonna party. I LOVE YOU!! Your Lindsey.
From Courtney C: Kevin, dah-ling. I love you so much. Thank you for being a wonderful friend We always can go check out guys together. And should I ever find a sensitive, hot, wonderful, caring, talented man, I'll be sure to send him your way cuz you know that'd be too perfect. You better come visit me in New Haven next year. Keep acting. I don't care if the job market's not stable. You're the talent and the look. And I Want to go to the Academy Awards! Get me there!! I believe in you. I love you. Always, Courtney Cox.
From Ricky: Hey Kevin, Well, let's see, what can I say (or in this case write). You always made things interesting. That's for sure Good luck in the future. Live for the moment, and cherish the memories! Ricardo.
From Cristina: Kevin, I am really glad we got to be friends these past four years. It'll be fun to go to school together next year. You are a great actor. Don't forget me when you are famous. KIT <3>
From Courtney P: Kevin! My brown-eyed friend! I'm so glad I got to know you as well as I did this year...I think. I mean, yes, that's a firm yes, I am. You've got a lot of talent and a lot of love to give. Spread it! I love you eternally <3>
From Tim: Kevin, what's up buddy? You're a pretty cool kid. I know you got nothing but good things ahead of you. I'm glad I actually got to know you. You're a hell of a lot cooler than you lead on. Plus, I really liked your play. Plus with my Paul Walker good looks I was perfect for the role. I wish you nothing but the best. I know you'll do good things. Tim.
Your turn everyone!
Crack those yearbooks!
Warning, you might tear up a little...
...I did, not gonna lie.
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