One of my favorite shows growing up was Ghost Writer.
It was about a group of kids who solved a mystery using the help of...
Okay, I don't think we ever officially found out what Ghost Writer was, right? He was sort of a ghost, and he wrote stuff, but that's about all we knew.
Basically, he was a bouncing ball and he taught us about the beauty of words.
(Yeah, let's go with that.)
My favorite part of the show, however, and the part that has stuck with me over the years was the word "Rally."
Whenever one of the members of the Ghost Writer team was in trouble, they'd write the word "Rally" and everyone would come and rescue whoever it was that was in trouble.
To this day, I long for the ability to have a magical exclamation point summon my friends whenever I need them simply by me writing the word "Rally" on a menu or a phone book or whatever is handy at the time.
Over time, I've actually tried to implement it in a different form.
One day I was on a job interview that I was really nervous about, and I texted five of my friends and asked them to shout out "Kevin Broccoli" wherever they were.
Only one of them got arrested, so it wasn't a complete debacle.
Two of them were accused of cheating on their partners with me, however, and to this day, I still feel bad about that, but to be fair, I never said they had to scream my name immediately.
After all these years, I think now would be the best time to make "Rally" a reality. Sure, your friends can't come running at the drop of a hat, but in this word of Facebook, Twitter, and Skype-ing, wouldn't it be nice to simply throw a word out there into the world and have people respond in some supportive sort of way?
I suggest that whenever you're in trouble, or having a bad day, or you're solving a mystery--like what happened to every kid on Ghost Writer after the 90's were over--and you need that extra bit of solidarity--text your friends "Rally" and have them text it back to you.
It's simple, it's supportive, and as long as you have a decent texting plan, it won't be all that expensive.
It can be a cruel world sometimes, so I say--Rally.
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