"If My Life Were a Soap Opera"
Name: Kevin Broccoli
Soap Opera Title: "Scandal, Tennessee"
Summary: Set in a small town filled with secrets, "Scandal, Tennessee" follows the residents of Scandal, Tennessee, as they deal with scandals, secrets, life in a small town, and more secrets.
Kevin Broccolitti, a visitor to the town who ends up trapped there, caught in a deadly love triangle...as well as a murder mystery...and a really Italian last name.
Trey Holton, the town's mayor and its richest citizen. He may or may not have killed several people in the late 70's in a plot to cover up an oil spill that occurred when his twin brother (one of the murder victims) took a big barrel of oil and poured it into the lake...just because. Trey is determined to hold onto his job as mayor...and his secrets.
Lydia Holton, Trey's wife, a former heroin junkie who cleaned up her act long enough to marry rich and do it in style. She may or may not be having an affair with Kevin Broccolitti, but probably not, because he's a little pre-occupied with--
Mary Ann Davenport, Lydia's sister, who is actually--
Todd Davenport, an undercover cop investigating the murders that happened in the 70's. One of the victims was his cousin, Troy, who was the brother of--
Trey Holton (Who you've already heard about)
Billy Dodd, Todd's lover, who Todd won't marry, because then his name would be Todd Dodd.
Nicola Czeraltkna, a foreign woman nobody understands. Nobody has any clue why she's in Tennessee, but they imagine it's to add diversity to the town.
First Season Cliffhanger:
After discovering that Trey did not, in fact, kill anybody, but rather, that all the victims of the murders in the 70's are alive and living in Tepid, Tennessee (Scandal's sister town), Kevin Broccolitti seeks to clear Trey's name, but is stopped by Todd Davenport who has actually been covering up the entire scandal in order to keep blackmailing Trey so that he can afford the surgery to actually become Mary Ann Davenport, Kevin and Todd get into a fight with a gun, which Lydia gave to Mary Ann as a present because Lydia is having a lesbian affair with both Mary Ann and Nicola and when Nicola found out she said 'Well that's too bad," but because of her thick accent, Lydia thought she said "I'm going to kill Mary Ann!," so Lydia gave Mary Ann/Todd the gun for protection, which goes off in the middle of the Town Talent Show, injuring Billy, who reveals, with his dying breath, that he is actually Trey's son, which means that Mary Ann/Todd was sleeping with his cousin's son, which is really gross...but I guess not really a cliff-hanger...
But then!
Troy comes back to town...
...with a secret!
Alternate Soap Opera Title: "Wait, Who Am I Sleeping With?"
Name: Kevin Broccoli
Soap Opera Title: "Scandal, Tennessee"
Summary: Set in a small town filled with secrets, "Scandal, Tennessee" follows the residents of Scandal, Tennessee, as they deal with scandals, secrets, life in a small town, and more secrets.
Kevin Broccolitti, a visitor to the town who ends up trapped there, caught in a deadly love triangle...as well as a murder mystery...and a really Italian last name.
Trey Holton, the town's mayor and its richest citizen. He may or may not have killed several people in the late 70's in a plot to cover up an oil spill that occurred when his twin brother (one of the murder victims) took a big barrel of oil and poured it into the lake...just because. Trey is determined to hold onto his job as mayor...and his secrets.
Lydia Holton, Trey's wife, a former heroin junkie who cleaned up her act long enough to marry rich and do it in style. She may or may not be having an affair with Kevin Broccolitti, but probably not, because he's a little pre-occupied with--
Mary Ann Davenport, Lydia's sister, who is actually--
Todd Davenport, an undercover cop investigating the murders that happened in the 70's. One of the victims was his cousin, Troy, who was the brother of--
Trey Holton (Who you've already heard about)
Billy Dodd, Todd's lover, who Todd won't marry, because then his name would be Todd Dodd.
Nicola Czeraltkna, a foreign woman nobody understands. Nobody has any clue why she's in Tennessee, but they imagine it's to add diversity to the town.
First Season Cliffhanger:
After discovering that Trey did not, in fact, kill anybody, but rather, that all the victims of the murders in the 70's are alive and living in Tepid, Tennessee (Scandal's sister town), Kevin Broccolitti seeks to clear Trey's name, but is stopped by Todd Davenport who has actually been covering up the entire scandal in order to keep blackmailing Trey so that he can afford the surgery to actually become Mary Ann Davenport, Kevin and Todd get into a fight with a gun, which Lydia gave to Mary Ann as a present because Lydia is having a lesbian affair with both Mary Ann and Nicola and when Nicola found out she said 'Well that's too bad," but because of her thick accent, Lydia thought she said "I'm going to kill Mary Ann!," so Lydia gave Mary Ann/Todd the gun for protection, which goes off in the middle of the Town Talent Show, injuring Billy, who reveals, with his dying breath, that he is actually Trey's son, which means that Mary Ann/Todd was sleeping with his cousin's son, which is really gross...but I guess not really a cliff-hanger...
But then!
Troy comes back to town...
...with a secret!
Alternate Soap Opera Title: "Wait, Who Am I Sleeping With?"
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