I think I've discovered the way to be an Editor's Pick on Open Salon.
It's all about your title.
Oh, I forgot to mention--sometimes, it can be just downright f**king weird.
"Stuff the Puppy: Adventures with Pets."
Or disturbing--
"Slaughtering Joe: How Killing My Husband Saved My Life"
Or something that makes you scream TMI--
"My Elbow Tumor: I Named It Bo."
As you can see, colons are also important.
"The Wonderful World of Colons."
Okay, that's not really the colon I was talking about, but I guess that can work.
Oh, and Editors love stories from the older generation. I got in trouble for suggestion that many Open Salon posters are older, but just look at these titles:
"Menopause and Me"
"Hot Flashes"
"I'm Almost Dead"
"What's With All These Whippersnappers?"
Then there's the political titles mixed with snazzy wordplay:
"Obama? Oh Mama!"
"Failin' Palin"
"I Got Some Lint on My Clinton"
That last one was about Hillary's tailor.
After careful observation, I think I know the title for my next poster, and it's SURE to be an Editor's Pick:
"Dick Cheney Killed My Parakeet and Put It In My Colon"
Rate THAT one, kids.
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