First, read this:
If you're interested in what you've just read, there's an entire book coming out that's getting a lot of attention called--you guessed it--"Marry Him."
I'm so happy that I can comment on an article like this as a man, because ladies, I can tell you, without a doubt, that this woman is full of shit.
Do NOT settle for Mr. Good Enough.
Do not SETTLE for anyone.
Yes, many times we try to find the "perfect" person forgetting that we ourselves are not perfect, but to suggest that women should just grab the first good guy they meet in their twenties and nail him down is repugnant to me.
On top of that, to suggest that men shouldn't worry about settling because the numbers are on their side is so ridiculous, I'm surprised more men haven't called this woman out on it.
Everyone worries about finding the right person, but what this woman is suggesting--that living a life with the wrong person would be better than living life without anyone at all--is a slap in the face to those of us who not only have our families, but who make families out of our friends, co-workers, and communities.
I know many single people who are leading fulfilling lives because rather than going out trolling for boyfriends or girlfriends, they worry more about making friends in general.
The part of the article that really stuck with me is the author comparing life to a game of musical chairs. Life is not a game; it's an experience.
Besides, as anyone who has played musical chairs knows, you don't play that game to win, you play to have fun. Maybe this author should have worried a little bit more about having fun and a little bit less about making sure she scored an empty chair.
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