Here are my rankings for the Top Chef All-Star season. I'm rating from Worst Chef to Top Chef (my favorite to win). I'll give the Top Chef people credit, this is a killer line-up. Granted, an All-Star Season would feel a lot more special if they hadn't done so many stupid reunion shows.
I agree with not letting the Top Chefs participate, but at the same time, I think part of the reason they're not letting them compete is because they'd be getting knocked out early. Aside from Mike Voltaggio and Hung, none of the Top Chefs actually deserved their win. Hosea? I'm still mad about it.
One particular note of praise? Thank GOD they did not bring back Lisa from Top Chef Chicago. I couldn't take one more episode of her.
Worst to Best
18. Mike Isabella - They couldn't get Brian Voltaggio? Two Top Chefs from the same family would be amazing. PS. When are the Voltaggios getting a reality show about opening a restaurant called "We're Brothers But We Hate Each Other?"
17. Jennifer Carroll - Does nobody else remember that Jen choked constantly?
16. Dale Talde - It's pretty sad when the only thing people remember about you from Top Chef is that you punched a wall...once.
15. Spike Mendelsohn - I'd really like to rank Spike higher because he provided an endless amount of great tv, but the fact is, the man never actually made a good meal.
14. Jamie Lauren - I was really toying with the idea of ranking her higher than Fabio, but he did get farther in the competition and overall produced better food.
13. Fabio Viviani - He's probably still hoping for that spin-off after his DISASTROUS Reunion Dinner special. Question: Why couldn't they get Stefan? What a great opportunity to reunite Team Europe and have them tick everybody off.
12. Stephen Asprinio - Stephen's a Top Chef herpe--you can't get rid of him. Him and Marcel together for an entire season should be lovely.
11. Elia Aboumrad - Elia was pretty cool. I think she may do a lot better this time around orrrr completely choke. She's a hard one to read.
10. Dale Levitski - Dale sort of coasted along for awhile, but really picked up steam at the end. So he may be one to watch this time around since he already knows the game.
9. Tiffani Faison - I normally wouldn't rank her so high, but she came in first when she did the Holiday Special--beating out some heavyweights that are also competing this time around--so I had to put her in the top ten.
Sidenote: I just thought of another chef they haven't included--Sam from Season Two! And he was a Fan Favorite! Maybe there were a few misses here and there after all. Plus it's always possible after three Reunions some people just wanted to give it a rest. Funnily enough, #9 on my list, Tiffani, has complained about the show time and again, yet keeps coming back. Maybe I'll knock her down to #10 for that...
8. Tre Wilcox - Everybody thought Tre was the favorite to win, but it's hard for me to rank him much higher than this because he was eliminated so early on for a totally lame technicality. Plus, he was really cocky, so I wasn't even that sad to see him leave.
7. Casey Thompson - I liked Casey a lot, but she lost major points with me when she cost Carla the competition in Season Three. My faith in her has been shaken.
6. Angelo Sosa - I think coming right off a season will help his momentum. If we're all being honest with each other, we know Angelo should have won this last season. The man was practically incapacitated right before he had to cook. Maybe they didn't give him the title on purpose so they could use him for All-Stars. That Padma is a sly one.
5. Tiffany Derry - If Angelo has momentum, than Tiffany has momentum AND a score to settle. Even Tom admitted she could have won the whole thing aside from one stupid mistake. Let's hope she doesn't make another one.
4. Antonia Lofaso - I love, love, love Antonia. I love any contestant that starts out on the bottom then gets their s**t together and becomes a force to be reckoned with (Carla and Tiffany did the same thing). Nobody really remembers Antonia because she cooked good food and didn't fight with anyone, but here's hoping this time she makes a bigger impression.
3. Marcel Vigneron - I may be the only person on the planet who likes Marcel, but regardless of what you think about him, Marcel can cook, and he should have won Season Two. In the Four Star/All-Star reunion challenge, he beat the Season Two Top Chef (Toolkit Ilan) along with Sam and Elia to become Team Captain. The only problem I can foresee him having is getting too caught up in his own head and going out for something small and silly. Small, silly, Marcel--it all seems fortuitous, doesn't it?
2. Richard Blais - I liked Top Chef winner Stephanie, but I won't lie and say Blais didn't deserve to win. He caved in the finale, but as long as he doesn't let that happen again, he's pretty much unstoppable.
Blais would be my pick to win if I'm being honest, but my dream winner would be--
1. Carla Hall - C'mon, who doesn't want Carla to win? She was so nice Ice King Stefan comforted her when she started to cry in the finale after it was clear she wasn't taking home the title. Tom Colicchio even smiled at the camera when Padma suggested they give her the crown even though she choked. I'm going to be wearing my Team Carla t-shirt all season long, whether she goes or not.
Here's my question:
Since Season 8 is starting in December as opposed to June when Top Chef normally starts, does that mean they'll do an additional season in June?
Hey, don't accuse me of being greedy. Bravo does twenty of those Housewife shows a year.
At least on Top Chef, they're actually doing something!
Either way, it's going to be a wonderful Christmas.
I agree with not letting the Top Chefs participate, but at the same time, I think part of the reason they're not letting them compete is because they'd be getting knocked out early. Aside from Mike Voltaggio and Hung, none of the Top Chefs actually deserved their win. Hosea? I'm still mad about it.
One particular note of praise? Thank GOD they did not bring back Lisa from Top Chef Chicago. I couldn't take one more episode of her.
Worst to Best
18. Mike Isabella - They couldn't get Brian Voltaggio? Two Top Chefs from the same family would be amazing. PS. When are the Voltaggios getting a reality show about opening a restaurant called "We're Brothers But We Hate Each Other?"
17. Jennifer Carroll - Does nobody else remember that Jen choked constantly?
16. Dale Talde - It's pretty sad when the only thing people remember about you from Top Chef is that you punched a wall...once.
15. Spike Mendelsohn - I'd really like to rank Spike higher because he provided an endless amount of great tv, but the fact is, the man never actually made a good meal.
14. Jamie Lauren - I was really toying with the idea of ranking her higher than Fabio, but he did get farther in the competition and overall produced better food.
13. Fabio Viviani - He's probably still hoping for that spin-off after his DISASTROUS Reunion Dinner special. Question: Why couldn't they get Stefan? What a great opportunity to reunite Team Europe and have them tick everybody off.
12. Stephen Asprinio - Stephen's a Top Chef herpe--you can't get rid of him. Him and Marcel together for an entire season should be lovely.
11. Elia Aboumrad - Elia was pretty cool. I think she may do a lot better this time around orrrr completely choke. She's a hard one to read.
10. Dale Levitski - Dale sort of coasted along for awhile, but really picked up steam at the end. So he may be one to watch this time around since he already knows the game.
9. Tiffani Faison - I normally wouldn't rank her so high, but she came in first when she did the Holiday Special--beating out some heavyweights that are also competing this time around--so I had to put her in the top ten.
Sidenote: I just thought of another chef they haven't included--Sam from Season Two! And he was a Fan Favorite! Maybe there were a few misses here and there after all. Plus it's always possible after three Reunions some people just wanted to give it a rest. Funnily enough, #9 on my list, Tiffani, has complained about the show time and again, yet keeps coming back. Maybe I'll knock her down to #10 for that...
8. Tre Wilcox - Everybody thought Tre was the favorite to win, but it's hard for me to rank him much higher than this because he was eliminated so early on for a totally lame technicality. Plus, he was really cocky, so I wasn't even that sad to see him leave.
7. Casey Thompson - I liked Casey a lot, but she lost major points with me when she cost Carla the competition in Season Three. My faith in her has been shaken.
6. Angelo Sosa - I think coming right off a season will help his momentum. If we're all being honest with each other, we know Angelo should have won this last season. The man was practically incapacitated right before he had to cook. Maybe they didn't give him the title on purpose so they could use him for All-Stars. That Padma is a sly one.
5. Tiffany Derry - If Angelo has momentum, than Tiffany has momentum AND a score to settle. Even Tom admitted she could have won the whole thing aside from one stupid mistake. Let's hope she doesn't make another one.
4. Antonia Lofaso - I love, love, love Antonia. I love any contestant that starts out on the bottom then gets their s**t together and becomes a force to be reckoned with (Carla and Tiffany did the same thing). Nobody really remembers Antonia because she cooked good food and didn't fight with anyone, but here's hoping this time she makes a bigger impression.
3. Marcel Vigneron - I may be the only person on the planet who likes Marcel, but regardless of what you think about him, Marcel can cook, and he should have won Season Two. In the Four Star/All-Star reunion challenge, he beat the Season Two Top Chef (Toolkit Ilan) along with Sam and Elia to become Team Captain. The only problem I can foresee him having is getting too caught up in his own head and going out for something small and silly. Small, silly, Marcel--it all seems fortuitous, doesn't it?
2. Richard Blais - I liked Top Chef winner Stephanie, but I won't lie and say Blais didn't deserve to win. He caved in the finale, but as long as he doesn't let that happen again, he's pretty much unstoppable.
Blais would be my pick to win if I'm being honest, but my dream winner would be--
1. Carla Hall - C'mon, who doesn't want Carla to win? She was so nice Ice King Stefan comforted her when she started to cry in the finale after it was clear she wasn't taking home the title. Tom Colicchio even smiled at the camera when Padma suggested they give her the crown even though she choked. I'm going to be wearing my Team Carla t-shirt all season long, whether she goes or not.
Here's my question:
Since Season 8 is starting in December as opposed to June when Top Chef normally starts, does that mean they'll do an additional season in June?
Hey, don't accuse me of being greedy. Bravo does twenty of those Housewife shows a year.
At least on Top Chef, they're actually doing something!
Either way, it's going to be a wonderful Christmas.
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