It's easy to pick my biggest turn-off--and I'm talking like "in life."
Beyond ignorance, cruelty, cattiness, and/or a lack of appreciation for Veronica Mars, my biggest turn-off is a man past the age of thirty wearing an Abercrombie t-shirt.
Every time I see it, it makes me want to walk up to him, tap him on the shoulder, and say--"Who is it you think you're fooling?"
There was one guy in Providence that I would see walking around all the time who always dressed like he'd just left his junior prom, and he was easily in his mid-forties.
I cannot imagine a more unattractive sight.
And it has nothing to do with how good he looks for his age. Looking good IS dressing your age.
Look at George Clooney. You don't see him walking around in khaki shorts and an ironic t-shirt.
He dresses his age, and looks all the better for it.
Nobody's saying you have to put on a cardigan and pleated pants, but for the love of God, please do not be dressed head-to-toe in American Eagle if you were born during the Johnson administration.
It's time to start considering ties.
Just a thought.
Beyond ignorance, cruelty, cattiness, and/or a lack of appreciation for Veronica Mars, my biggest turn-off is a man past the age of thirty wearing an Abercrombie t-shirt.
Every time I see it, it makes me want to walk up to him, tap him on the shoulder, and say--"Who is it you think you're fooling?"
There was one guy in Providence that I would see walking around all the time who always dressed like he'd just left his junior prom, and he was easily in his mid-forties.
I cannot imagine a more unattractive sight.
And it has nothing to do with how good he looks for his age. Looking good IS dressing your age.
Look at George Clooney. You don't see him walking around in khaki shorts and an ironic t-shirt.
He dresses his age, and looks all the better for it.
Nobody's saying you have to put on a cardigan and pleated pants, but for the love of God, please do not be dressed head-to-toe in American Eagle if you were born during the Johnson administration.
It's time to start considering ties.
Just a thought.
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