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David Letterman: Terrorist Fighter?

The WikiLeaks have become the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season, as the bigger news from the scandal (embarrassing diplomatic relations, secret missions, etc.) have given way to smaller stories that are, well, sort of uplifting...kinda...

I should explain.

I grew up on television, and I've always been a pop culture fanatic.  This is not always an easy love to defend, as television over the past ten years has turned into something resembling the Roman colosseum.

So it was nice to check the news today and find out that television may actually be keeping America safe.

The WikiLeaks have revealed that television programs depicting positive aspects of Western culture may actually be helping to change the way young Muslims in other countries view America.

Not only are they helpful, but the reports show that they're more helpful than al-Hurra, a pro-American news program designed to do what reruns of Desperate Housewives is apparently doing without even trying:  Creating a positive view into American life.

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

How could a show about adultery, scandal, and backstabbing actually make anyone like Americans?

What the WikiLeaks show is that it's helpful in two ways:  The first is that shows like Desperate Housewives and Friends show affluent, intelligent, and (more than anything) free people living their lives without any oppression.

(In other words, you may hate the people on the Jersey Shore, but I bet you wouldn't mind living their jobless, carefree lives for a few weeks.)

The second is that people are fascinated by these shows.  It's hard to want to attack and kill people whose lives you're invested in.

(In other words, you may hate the people on the Jersey Shore, but most of you are probably still tuning in to watch it, aren't you?  C'mon, admit it.)

One cable even called late night talk show host David Letterman an "Agent of Influence."

No word on how the Saudis feel about Leno.


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