With the announcement that Kentucky is wooing the creators of the Creation Museum to build a Noah's Ark amusement park, there's been an uproar over whether or not a state government creating incentives for a religion theme park violates the separation of church and state.
The governor of Kentucky has said that he's only doing what he has to do to create jobs.
As soon as I read that, I knew I had to help the Governor out. After all, if he thinks Noah's Ark could pack people in, then he's not seeing the bigger picture.
Oh sure, religion can be thrilling, but you have to take the right angle on it.
That's why I've sent Governor Beshear a proposal to build an agnostic amusement park in Kentucky called "Religion Land: The Scariest Place on Earth."
Think about it. People love being terrified. Why else do we go to amusement parks if not to be scared out of our wits when a roller coaster flips us upside down or when a free fall goes plummeting to the ground or when we see all of humanity become flooded by a vengeful and angry god who only allows one man's family and a pair of llamas to survive?
The Governor is missing out on a golden opportunity here.
Play up the fear angle. It'll give the park that extra element that will set it aside from that devil's playground Disney World and that sex-filled Sodom known as Six Flags.
Just think of all the possibilities!
There could be a land called Mormon Kingdom, where girls can ride on the Polygamy Express--three girls and one boy per car!
On Baptist Boulevard, families can go through "The Small World...of People That Are Going to Burn."
Then there's the Silly Sity of Scientology, where kids can give their allowance money away to the people operating the ride right before they ride away from Earth in a spaceship.
Tell me that's not worth the price of admission.
Plus, there will be plenty of room for the Creationists and their Ark, especially if there's a live show.
"What Happens When You Put Two of Every Animal in a Confined Space with Poor Ventilation and No Indoor Plumbing?...The Musical!"
That's enough to give Wes Craven chills.
As far as creating jobs, including all religions will definitely allow for more employment opportunities within the park. For one thing, everybody who works in Catholicism Canyon needs to have at least twelve kids apiece.
So stay tuned, everybody, because as soon as the Governor of Kentucky gets my letter, I bet you're going to see the fine line between church and state virtually disappear.
The governor of Kentucky has said that he's only doing what he has to do to create jobs.
As soon as I read that, I knew I had to help the Governor out. After all, if he thinks Noah's Ark could pack people in, then he's not seeing the bigger picture.
Oh sure, religion can be thrilling, but you have to take the right angle on it.
That's why I've sent Governor Beshear a proposal to build an agnostic amusement park in Kentucky called "Religion Land: The Scariest Place on Earth."
Think about it. People love being terrified. Why else do we go to amusement parks if not to be scared out of our wits when a roller coaster flips us upside down or when a free fall goes plummeting to the ground or when we see all of humanity become flooded by a vengeful and angry god who only allows one man's family and a pair of llamas to survive?
The Governor is missing out on a golden opportunity here.
Play up the fear angle. It'll give the park that extra element that will set it aside from that devil's playground Disney World and that sex-filled Sodom known as Six Flags.
Just think of all the possibilities!
There could be a land called Mormon Kingdom, where girls can ride on the Polygamy Express--three girls and one boy per car!
On Baptist Boulevard, families can go through "The Small World...of People That Are Going to Burn."
Then there's the Silly Sity of Scientology, where kids can give their allowance money away to the people operating the ride right before they ride away from Earth in a spaceship.
Tell me that's not worth the price of admission.
Plus, there will be plenty of room for the Creationists and their Ark, especially if there's a live show.
"What Happens When You Put Two of Every Animal in a Confined Space with Poor Ventilation and No Indoor Plumbing?...The Musical!"
That's enough to give Wes Craven chills.
As far as creating jobs, including all religions will definitely allow for more employment opportunities within the park. For one thing, everybody who works in Catholicism Canyon needs to have at least twelve kids apiece.
So stay tuned, everybody, because as soon as the Governor of Kentucky gets my letter, I bet you're going to see the fine line between church and state virtually disappear.
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