I was having lunch with the boys when the issue of the gray area came up.
BRIAN: The gay area?
ME: No, the gray area. With us, everything's a gay area.
Here's the gray area--according to our definition.
The gray area is a period of time when you're dating someone but you're not official yet.
(And when I say official, I mean Facebook official.)
Gray areas are always tough, because at a certain point, things are serious enough where it seems like monogamy should be assumed, and yet sometimes...
SCOOTER: So I slept with someone in the gray area.
ME: And now you're in a relationship?
SCOOTER: And I'm wondering--
ALL: Do you tell?
TURNER: How long was it between you sleeping with someone and then getting serious with your current--I hesitate to say boyfriend...
SCOOTER: Well, I mean, I hooked up with Chris on a Tuesday, and Jon and I made it Facebook official the next night.
ME: Twenty-four hours? That's not part of the gray area.
SCOOTER: It totally is.
ME: Scooter, you were having sex with one person and committed to another within the same day.
SCOOTER: There was sleep in between.
BRIAN: It's still a gray area.
ME: It's off-white at best.
TURNER: I'm with Kevin. I mean, what was that?
SCOOTER: It was like a last fling--straight guys do it. That's what bachelor parties are.
ME: Bachelor parties are not gray areas.
SCOOTER: Everything before the relationship and after the first date is a gray area.
Wow, that's a scary thought.
It would mean I've been in a gray area with six different people at one time.
I might still be in a gray area with some of those people.
TURNER: I still say don't tell, but I seriously doubt this relationship is going anywhere if you were hooking up with someone else twenty-four hours before it got serious.
SCOOTER: It's not like the sex was all that good.
Don't try to figure out Scooter's logic. It'll just give you a migraine.
Let's just say there's a lot of gray area in his brain that has to be categorized.
BRIAN: The gay area?
ME: No, the gray area. With us, everything's a gay area.
Here's the gray area--according to our definition.
The gray area is a period of time when you're dating someone but you're not official yet.
(And when I say official, I mean Facebook official.)
Gray areas are always tough, because at a certain point, things are serious enough where it seems like monogamy should be assumed, and yet sometimes...
SCOOTER: So I slept with someone in the gray area.
ME: And now you're in a relationship?
SCOOTER: And I'm wondering--
ALL: Do you tell?
TURNER: How long was it between you sleeping with someone and then getting serious with your current--I hesitate to say boyfriend...
SCOOTER: Well, I mean, I hooked up with Chris on a Tuesday, and Jon and I made it Facebook official the next night.
ME: Twenty-four hours? That's not part of the gray area.
SCOOTER: It totally is.
ME: Scooter, you were having sex with one person and committed to another within the same day.
SCOOTER: There was sleep in between.
BRIAN: It's still a gray area.
ME: It's off-white at best.
TURNER: I'm with Kevin. I mean, what was that?
SCOOTER: It was like a last fling--straight guys do it. That's what bachelor parties are.
ME: Bachelor parties are not gray areas.
SCOOTER: Everything before the relationship and after the first date is a gray area.
Wow, that's a scary thought.
It would mean I've been in a gray area with six different people at one time.
I might still be in a gray area with some of those people.
TURNER: I still say don't tell, but I seriously doubt this relationship is going anywhere if you were hooking up with someone else twenty-four hours before it got serious.
SCOOTER: It's not like the sex was all that good.
Don't try to figure out Scooter's logic. It'll just give you a migraine.
Let's just say there's a lot of gray area in his brain that has to be categorized.
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