My newsfeed is currently littered with petitions dealing with Rush Limbaugh. They run the gamut from having him removed from the radio to having him strung up and poked at with burning sticks.
Here's an idea: Why don't we just stop listening to him?
A few weeks ago, I posted a theory that attention has become the new currency. Pundits and pseudo-celebrities are becoming more and more outrageous because they understand that as long as people are talking about you, you have some modicum of power.
So it would seem that the easiest way to take the air's out of someone's sails is to simply stop giving them attention.
Of course what Rush Limbaugh did isn't okay, but to suggest that his advertisers aren't aware that it's who he is would be naive. They support him because people listen to him--for whatever reason.
Of course I feel bad for the girl who got verbally harassed by him, but why on Earth would any intelligent person engage in an argument with someone who, because they lack intelligence, would clearly resort to name-calling and profanity to make a point?
Of course I don't like Rush Limbaugh, and because I don't like him, I don't give him my attention. Attention is valuable, and I don't pay mine out to just anybody.
Trust me, Rush doesn't care how outraged we are. He knows he isn't going anywhere. He's said terrible things before and all it does is help his ratings. If you want to hit him, hit him there--in the ratings--where it really counts.
Other than that, leave him alone.
Not only will his advertisers pay attention if listeners decrease, but we'll also have to stop seeing his ugly face pop up everywhere.
That's called a win-win.
Here's an idea: Why don't we just stop listening to him?
A few weeks ago, I posted a theory that attention has become the new currency. Pundits and pseudo-celebrities are becoming more and more outrageous because they understand that as long as people are talking about you, you have some modicum of power.
So it would seem that the easiest way to take the air's out of someone's sails is to simply stop giving them attention.
Of course what Rush Limbaugh did isn't okay, but to suggest that his advertisers aren't aware that it's who he is would be naive. They support him because people listen to him--for whatever reason.
Of course I feel bad for the girl who got verbally harassed by him, but why on Earth would any intelligent person engage in an argument with someone who, because they lack intelligence, would clearly resort to name-calling and profanity to make a point?
Of course I don't like Rush Limbaugh, and because I don't like him, I don't give him my attention. Attention is valuable, and I don't pay mine out to just anybody.
Trust me, Rush doesn't care how outraged we are. He knows he isn't going anywhere. He's said terrible things before and all it does is help his ratings. If you want to hit him, hit him there--in the ratings--where it really counts.
Other than that, leave him alone.
Not only will his advertisers pay attention if listeners decrease, but we'll also have to stop seeing his ugly face pop up everywhere.
That's called a win-win.
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