I realize it’s pretty early in 2015, but I truly can’t
imagine a worse movie than Jupiter
Ascending opening in the next ten months.
This movie is like Battlefield
Earth without—No, actually, it’s just like Battlefield Earth. It
is a hot mess of a movie that is also totally unfocused featuring career-low
performances from just about everybody associated with it.
The script reads like something a fifth grader would write
if he tried his hand at penning a Blade
Runner sequel.
Eddie Redmayne turns in a performance so bad, I almost have
to wonder if we should ever allow him to be on film again at the risk of
something this bad happening again.
Channing Tatum looks even more confused than he normally
does in this movie, probably because there are aliens, reptilian aliens, magical
bees, werewolves, rollerblading on air, immortal aliens, stem-cell researching aliens,
pop-up spacesuits, and more double-crossing and backstabbing than an episode of
Big Brother.
At a certain point, you feel yourself letting go of logic
the way a drowning person might let go of their last air bubble. You stop trying ot make sense of
anything you’re seeing and instead just stare ahead at the screen wondering what
the hell all of it is supposed to mean.
For a second, that feeling is almost enjoyable, and then Eddie Redmayne
appears onscreen again doing what can only be described as the worst
impersonation of Tim Curry doing an impersonation of Robert Pattinson.
Yes, it’s that bad.
And I can’t believe I have to wait until next year’s Razzies to give it
the attention it deserves.
I’d say go see it just for the humor of it, but…honestly,
just watch Battlefield Earth. It might actually be the better movie
of the two.
(Yup, it’s that bad.)
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