The thing we--
(And I’m using the Liberal We here)
The thing we need to remember in 2018
And especially in 2020
Is that we need politicians
Who know how to talk
Let me explain
Remember how we mocked the current President
On the campaign trail
Because he was such a poor speaker
Because he was such a poor speaker
And he never did the smart thing
The smart thing being--
Using a teleprompter?
Well, I think we might have been wrong about that
Obviously, like half the planet
I’ve been wondering
Where exactly everything went wrong
Where exactly everything went wrong
Last year
And smarter people than me
Will come up with better reasons
But I think one thing we need to keep an eye on
Is how people talk now
I don’t know about you
But I can’t handle listening to local news anymore
Because the newscaster “voices”
Drive me insane
It’s this presentational way of speaking
That just comes across as fake
So fake
And I can’t believe a thing I’m hearing
It occurred to me recently
That while I have many, many issues
About what the President is saying
He does sound like he’s speaking truthfully
Even when he’s clearly not
Because he’s not reading
Off a teleprompter
He’s not reading at all
And even though he probably should
It makes him sound more believable
Whoever we run against him
(Assuming it comes to that)
Has to know how to do something
That, sadly, Hillary Clinton couldn’t do
And that’s speak off the cuff
In a casual way
That still sounds authoritative
Actually, that’s not fair
Clinton could do that
It’s just that everyone was telling her
It was unwise
Here we all were
Running around
Trying to figure out
Why nobody trusted her
And then we hand her a script
And have her deliver it over and over again
And have her deliver it over and over again
Sounding like a robot the entire time
Wondering why people thought she was stiff
And untrustworthy
She said at one point
That a President has to watch what they say
And I get that
But maybe right now
In the age we’re living in
A President has to be able to watch what they say
In the moment
As if they’ve been on camera
For most of their life
Because we’ve all grown up
Watching people
Who knew they were on camera
Who could edit themselves
In the moment
And I think we need politicians
Who can do the same
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