I might be going crazy
Because lately
I’ve been wondering
If there’s a silver lining
To Hillary losing the election
Hear me out
If Secretary Clinton--my chosen candidate
Had won the election
We would essentially be
In the same spot we were in
With President Obama
For the past two years
With a Republican controlled Congress
Intent on doing absolutely nothing
And chances are
All of us
Wouldn’t have been paying attention
Because ‘Oh, it’s fine
Hillary’s in the White House
We’ve got our ally working for us
In the Executive Branch
We don’t really need
To pay attention’
And that would have been a mistake
And even though
I wake up every day
With the same sense of dread
Everybody else has
I find it somewhat comforting
That people are paying attention
Also, if we had gotten Secretary Clinton
Into the White House
We were going to be absolutely decimated
In 2018
Democrats do poorly in midterms anyway
But with a Democrat in the White House
It would have been a bloodbath
At least now, we have momentum on our side
People--voters--now have something
To respond to
Provided we can survive
The next two years
There’s a chance we’ll see
What happened in 2006
When people responded to George W. Bush
By putting Republican politicians all over the country
Out of a job
Now, that was before the 2010 gerrymandering
Which is why taking Congress back
Will be more difficult
But it actually helps us
To have the opposing party
In the White House
And here’s the key--
Even when I was diligently supporting Clinton
I had a bad feeling
That it would end up hurting us
In 2020
As many people pointed out
We had the two most unpopular candidates
In the history of American politics
Running for President
And that meant that there was a good chance
Either of them would just wind up being
A one-term President
And we couldn’t afford that
Because in 2020
There’s a Census
And that’s when we can undo the damage
Of the past ten gerrymandered years
If POTUS continues down this route
--And there’s no reason to think he won’t
--And if we can, again, manage to survive until then
He’s going to be in a very weak position
When he’s up for reelection
It’s the long game
But it’s all we have
And even though a Democrat in the White House
Would have been wonderful
It might have put us at a disadvantage
Four years from now
And that would have consequences
Leading deep into the future
So that’s my silver lining
It’s not much
But it’s all I got
See you in the comments section
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