Welcome back to the most controversial issue on social media--
Standing Ovations
If you haven't read Part One, go to http://thiscantbebroccoli.blogspot.com/2020/11/theater-and-standing-ovation.html
Today, I'm talking with someone else in the community where this took place, but this person has a different perspective on the matter.
Here's the interview:
ME: So you got in touch with me because I made the mistake of hopping on a thread that was happening in your community about all this.
THEM: I wanted to present you with a different side.
ME: You were on the side of 'I always stand.'
THEM: I do.
ME: So you think it was wrong for the person I was speaking with not to stand?
THEM: I think it was rude.
ME: Do you think everyone should stand for every show?
THEM: I do.
ME: Oh, we're going to have fun.
THEM: I don't see what the harm is in standing up.
ME: What's the harm in not standing up?
THEM: Because, in this case, you didn't see the show, okay? You didn't see the show.
ME: I didn't.
THEM: But those people did such a good job.
ME: That's your opinion though.
THEM: But you didn't see the show.
ME: I didn't. But the person who did see it didn't think it was worth standing up for.
THEM: I'm not sure that's what they thought.
ME: Why else wouldn't they stand?
THEM: I think they had other grievances against the theater.
ME: They might have, but it's still their prerogative whether to stand or not.
THEM: I don't think so. You can't not stand up because you don't like people in the show.
ME: If that made you like the show less, then sure you can.
THEM: Then why did they even go?
ME: I'm not saying any of what you're saying is true, I'm just--
THEM: You're saying what they said is true.
ME: No, I'm just arguing the point.
THEM: It is rude to go there and not acknowledge the work--
ME: They did acknowledge it. They clapped. Did they not clap?
THEM: I wasn't there.
ME: But nobody's disputing that they clapped.
THEM: I guess not.
ME: But that's not enough for you?
THEM: Why couldn't they have stood up and clapped?
ME: Because clapping is 'You did a good job' and standing up is 'You did a near-perfect job.' Some people would even say standing up means it was perfection. Did you think it was perfection?
THEM: That's not how I judge what standing up is supposed to mean.
ME: But that is what it's supposed to mean. It's not about how you judge it. If you decide that the word 'pen' means 'ham,' that doesn't change the meaning of the word just because you feel like it.
THEM: Why do you get to decide it?
ME: I don't. I don't get to decide it. It's been decided by other people long before you or I came around.
THEM: I like to stand when I enjoy a show and I enjoyed the show.
ME: That's fine, but you were online yelling at someone else for not standing up.
THEM: I wasn't yelling.
ME: You called them rude.
THEM: I think it's rude. I'm allowed to think that.
ME: But that's based on what you would do. What you would do has nothing to do with what someone else would do.
THEM: There were reasons that I thought were suspicious.
ME: Suspicious?
THEM: Like I said, I think the reasons were more personal.
ME: But it doesn't matter. Just let people sit if they want to sit.
THEM: Nobody was dragging them up on their feet, but if someone wants to call them rude, they should be allowed to.
ME: But do you realize now that your praise means nothing now? If you stand up for everyone, you standing means nothing, so when someone you like sees you standing, it doesn't mean anything to them.
THEM: I don't want people thinking I like one thing more than another. I want everybody to know that I appreciate what they're doing.
ME: It's not about appreciation. I can appreciate somebody slaving over a hot stove, but if you burn the steak, I'm not applauding you for serving me shit. The food still has to taste good.
THEM: You don't care if people don't stand for you?
ME: I only want people to respond truthfully, because that has more meaning. I did a one-man show and one guy told me he stood up because 'How did I learn all those lines?' That's not why you stand up.
THEM: But why isn't he allowed to stand up for that?
ME: Because there are people with freak memories who could learn 'War and Peace' if they had to, but that doesn't make them a great actor.
THEM: See, I think it does.
ME: Oh gurl.
THEM: You've never stood up when you didn't want to?
ME: Of course I have.
THEM: To be nice?
ME: No, because straight boys get offended if you don't think them screaming for two hours and clawing at their chest is impressive. They'll follow you out to the parking lot. I'd rather just stand.
THEM: But it didn't hurt you to do it.
ME: I wasn't thrilled about it though.
THEM: Then next time you can sit.
ME: And people like you can bully me about it.
THEM: I wasn't bullying.
ME: There's been some bullying.
THEM: Because people are sick of other people not being supportive.
ME: Clap clap, sweetie--that's the sound of me supporting you. You don't get me jumping to my feet as well. That's not how that works.
THEM: So you're taking their side.
ME: I try not to take sides, but your side is dumb. I don't know how else to say it. If you want your nephew onstage to feel good, clap harder, but you don't need to stand.
THEM: I didn't have my nephew onstage. I want to show support to everyone.
ME: When Conservatives make fun of liberals, this is what they're makin fun of. This is participation trophy culture. You got to knock it off.
THEM: It's not always the people onstage who are at fault if the show isn't good.
ME: That's true. Nobody's denying that. But it's also not the team's fault if they lose the game, but ultimately, it's also all that matters. Oh my god, you're making me talk sports now.
THEM: I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, and you keep doing what you're doing.
ME: Sounds great. This was infuriating.
THEM: But I still think what [they] did was rude.
ME: You're wrong, but I hear what you're saying.
THEM: We can leave it at that.
ME: Yes, we can.
Them is a frequent audience member.
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