Now begins the time of year I dread. Whereas most people feel a sort of apprehension when it comes to the holidays, I actually enjoy them. It's only when they start nearing an end that I start feeling nervous. And that's all because of one awful night. New Year's Eve. I don't know if my ancestors opened the tomb of a mummy on New Year's Eve a hundred years ago, or if everybody just has one holiday they don't enjoy, but I can't seem to ring in the New Year right no matter what I do. Every year on New Year's Eve, I find myself in some sort of awful predicament. It all started my freshman year of college--the first year I was actually able to go out and do something fun for New Year's Eve. I had three parties lined up and a date for the night. I was good to go. Until my car broke down at the first party--the party I only wanted to spend five minutes at because I didn't know anybody there aside from the host. I was supposed to pi...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About