As anybody can tell you who has seen me do any sort of physical activity-- Skinny don't mean healthy. I can dry heave after going for a brisk my kitchen for some ice cream. So I decided it was time to get in shape, preferably before I turn thirty and my metabolism turns off thereby fulfilling the curse that a witch put on me at my baptism. You'll be able to eat pizza everyday for thirty years and then you'll gain eight hundred pounds and they'll have to get a crane to lift you out of your house. The problem is, I hate the idea of going to the gym. Now, I've never actually been to a gym before, but just the thought of going makes me want to hide under a table and kick at anybody who tries to make me come out. I figured I could avoid the gym by using technology to help me get in shape. After all, it's the age of "There's an app" for that, right? So shouldn't I just be able to use one of the hundreds of fitness app...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About