On a recent episode of the televised black hole known as Bravo's "Double Exposure," Lindsay Lohan showed up somewhere between eight and ten hours late for a photo shoot. There's still a dispute about exactly how late she was--as if eight hours is any less insulting than ten hours. When she does finally arrive, the photographer remarks that he'd prefer to have someone show up ten hours late that can deliver a good photo rather than someone who might not give him the perfect photo right away. All I could think of when I heard that were all the divas and a**holes across the country who would now believe that it's fine to be a jerk as long as you have some sort of talent to back it up. I see this same behavior accepted in theater all the time. An actor will be inconsiderate, rude, or cause trouble, but if they can deliver a good performance they're cast again and again, despite the protestations of other actors. Even worse is when a director hears bad things...
Musings on Pop Culture and Other Things to Rant About